God has called us to 'Resurrection" and we are Rising!
We believe the Lord has incredible plans for Circle C Ranch and are so excited to share the vision!
Ultimately, the goal at Circle C Ranch is for "Christ at the center of all things!" Whether that is through events, conferences, day camps, or worship services occurring at the ranch or if it is through adventures and mission trips that happen off the ranch, we want people to experience community! Here is an illustration of how we are envisioning this.
Let's answer some big questions! WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHY, WHEN & HOW
WHO? We believe the Lord is calling us to create a place where the following equation happens for people of every age:
Family Reunions
Worship services, Conferences, and Roundups
High schoolers on a group retreat with service projects, followed by small group time and a full blown bonfire with hot dogs, beans, and smores.
Churches gathering in The Glory House for special worship services,
Youth groups playing crazy games in the arena, “capture the flag” on over 40 acres, and singing songs around the campfire!
Fun bachelor parties.
Graduation Open Houses
Cowboy sing along
Women’s Retreats
Boy Scout Service projects
Christmas parties and much more!
We also believe this is a place where people's passions and abilities are allowed to flourish and where no dream or calling is impossible. One of the goals is to facilitate ministries of all sorts whether it is done through Circle C Ranch or is a partner ministry or organization. We want people engaged in their abilities and giftedness to serve people and are looking to create win/win opportunities in impacting our community, country, and ultimately the world!
If you have ever had a dream of doing some type of ministry or adventure to serve people in engaging ways we would love to have a conversation and see if we can create a win/win opportunity!
WHAT? This is one of the most important questions! Ultimately, we have some great ideas and concepts of "what" is going to happen at Circle C Ranch but we know this place is the Lord's and are excited to follow His plans for the ranch!
One branch of ministry that would be off campus is Adventures and Missions. These are experiences where children, youth, adults and families can engage in adventures or mission trips to challenge them in their perspectives of themselves, people around them, and Jesus.
Some examples are:
Guatemala Mission Trip
Boundary Waters Canoe Adventure
Missouri River Expedition
New York Immersion
Beartooth Backpacking Trip
Turtle Mountain Adventure
We are hoping to have great adventure and mission trip opportunities by the summer of 2018 but ultimately following the Lord as He directs!
We also believe that Circle C Ranch is situated perfectly near Bismarck/Mandan but also feels like you are in the middle of nowhere so we are looking to make it a destination of fun and adventure for everyone!
Some concepts we are pursuing:
Western town with a Lodge & Conference Center, Dining area, Coffee shop, Soda Saloon, Unique shopping opportunities ...
Cabins for individuals and families to stay in and connect with the Lord and each other.
Community Orchard with trees and shrubs planted in memory of loved ones to impact people for good in the future!
Numerous wedding, worship, and family gathering venues to go with the Rustic Indoor arena and Glory House we already have. We would also like to include a Big Red Barn, Outdoor Worship Area, and Orchard Gazebo as well as many campfire areas and natural spaces.
WHERE? We believe the Lord has called us to promote real relationships and the answer to this question is really "Everywhere!"
This may seem confusing but we do not want to be limited to a physical location. Thus, ministry will be happening both on and off the Ranch.
The actual location of Circle C Ranch is just north of Bismarck, North Dakota on Hwy 83 and we are situated at one of the branches of Burnt Creek and have been blessed with amazing views and an unbelievable western environment in what feels like "The middle of nowhere!"
WHY? After experiencing so many "God Stories" which you can read about under Heritage, its hard to argue with the fact that the Lord has special plans for this place!
When Trish Lenihan (Founding Director) heard God direct her to start a Bible Conference Center and horsemanship camp and she began the process, God started to work in unbelievable ways to show people who He is and how He works to bring people to Himself through the ministry at the Ranch. After going through the death of a vision in the late 1980's, Trish was given a new vision of resurrection and since then the Lord has brought many others to be part of what Circle C Ranch is.
Circle C Ranch isn't just a location! Its an epic idea!
Once again we go back to the mission statement of "Christ at the center of all things" and decide that whether it is through a Circle C Ranch Christmas, a campfire on the prairie, a mission trip to New York City, or a horsemanship lesson with "Cowgirl Up" the goal is for people of all ages to experience a relationship with Jesus Christ and then develop real relationships with each other!
WHEN? Circle C Ranch is on the Lord's time table!
Current ministry is happening all the time and its exciting to see the people God is putting in place to make it happen.
Upcoming ministry is based on what doors the Lord opens through the right people in the right areas and also through financial giving to different ministries and concepts. If financing comes for a Lodge and Conference center we won't argue with that but if primary ministry happens through adventures or missions trips we are excited for that as well.
HOW? This grand idea that is Circle C Ranch can only be accomplished through the Lord and people that are passionate about it happening as well.
We need partners to:
If you are interested in more information or would like to be part of the Circle C Ranch team please feel free to Contact Us and we would love to have a conversation or help you be part of this grand idea.