Born in Bismarck, ND, and raised on the ranch where her grandparents homesteaded, Trish Lenihan spent much of her youth and childhood wondering what God was like. Whether checking fences, checking cows or simply riding her horse across the prairie, she had plenty of time to think about it. Although she and her family always believed in God they had no idea they could KNOW Him and have a personal relationship with Him; so she just kept wondering.
With varied interests, lots of energy, and a deep-seated fear of death and eternity, she was driven to find a reason for being alive. Fueled by fear, her flight through life included searching for answers in all sorts of churches, trying several occupations from newspaper reporter, to teacher, and finally to nightclub singer. It was at that time that she came face to face with the truth that WE CAN KNOW the Lord Jesus Christ in a close and personal way, that He loves and accepts us just as we are and is only waiting for us to accept Him. She did exactly that and became a new person inside when the love of God flooded her heart. The Bible says, “His perfect love casts out all fear” so she was no longer afraid of dying.
Filled with real peace, a deep joy, and the knowledge that this was a new beginning for her, Trish immediately began asking the Lord for direction and eight days later began working at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Assn. She says she had the bends for about six months. Almost immediately she began sharing her testimony at churches and youth groups throughout the Twin Cities, where she was living at the time, and within a year was on the staff of Youth for Christ. A year and a half later she became a National Representative for Christian Women’s Clubs of America (AKA Stonecroft Ministries). Through that ministry she traveled to all but three states in the continental US, plus 12 other nations, singing and preaching the Word of God. It was during that time the Lord instructed her to establish a Christian Guest Ranch and Bible Conference Center at home and that is why Circle C Ranch was born in 1980. Through Bible Rodeo Camps, Bible Horsemanship Camps and Clinics, Bible Conferences called Roundups, and a variety of special events, hundreds have come into relationship with the Lord and have been taught the truths of the Bible. To God be the Glory!